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Landscape Products
At Vision Green we have all the quality product to make your landscaping shine. From edging, mulch and rock to weed control and fertilizers - we can help supply your landscaping needs.
Bulk Mulch

Bulk Mulch: Available in Natural All-bark, Virgin Wood Dyed Brown, and Virgin Wood Dyed Black. Sold by volume. Delivery available upon request.
Landscape Edging

Steel Landscape Edging: 14 gauge, 10 ft, COL-MET designed for both residential and light commercial use. Available in powder coated green or black. Easy to shape, bend, & form.
Rubber Landscape Edging: Available in Black and Brown
Landscape Traprock & Boulders

Traprock: Available in bulk, in grey.
Landscape boulders: in limited sizes and quantities.
Weed Control & Weed Barriers

Treflan 5G: Same active ingredient as Preen, Higher concentration, 40 lb bag covers 20,000 sq. ft.
Snapshot: Pre-emerge control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in landscape beds, 25 lb bag covers 5,000-10,000 sq. ft.
Landscape Weed Barrier Fabrics: Standard & Professional grade. Multiple rolls sizes available
KillzAll & GlyPhoSel Plus: Broadleaf & grass control with lasting affect. Perfect for gravel driveways, paring lots, fence lines, and more.
Landscape & Garden Fertilizer

Tree & Shrub Drench: Same active ingredient as Bayer Tree & Shrub, for healthier trees and shrubs
Tree & Shrub Fertilizer: Pellet fertilizer for long-term feeding
Espoma Hollytone: Fertilizer formulated for use on evergreen trees and shrubs
Milorganite: Slow- release pelletized nitrogen 6-4-0 fertilizer made from biosolids designed for gardens and lawns.
Tree, Shrub & Landscape Insect Control

Tree & Shrub Insect Control: Soil drench application provides year-long insect control including Ash Borer and longhorned beetles
Sluggo: Kills slugs and snails organically, while fertilized your soil.
Copper Soap Fungicide: Use for disease protection on roses, fruits, vegetable, and ornamental plants